I saw more movies in the theater this year than I have in a very long time. It's hard when they release some of the best movies at the end of december so technically they are 2010, but really most people didn't see them until 2011. I decided to leave those off but the ones that definitely would have made my list would be Blue Valentine, Black Swan, Exit Through the Giftshop and Dogtooth.
Pathetic I know. I started the year off so well and then I kept getting sick and I cannot read when I'm sick. I got back into reading as I usually do after summer is over. I don't know if I'll ever get back to 100 but my goal next year is at least 50. Anyway, here are my top ten books I read this year.
This was absolutely my favorite film of the year. One of the few movies I saw more than once in the theater and just got it on blu-ray last week. It had everything I want in a movie. Paris, 1920's, artists, love story, beautiful shots, carousels, wonderful casting and a fantastic script. This week I'll post my favorite films of the year as well as my annual favorite books of the year.
Watched the finale of Season 2 of Work of Art. The beginning of this season I wasn't very impressed with the cast compared to Season 1. This final show however was absolutely spectacular. I really enjoyed Kymia and Sara's final exhibitions. Above is a few pieces from Kymia's show. Her drawing skills are absolutely insane. I definitely think they picked the right person.