Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Two new shops

I've decided with all of the vintage things lying around my house and my parents house that I should open up a new etsy shop dedicated to all things vintage. My grandmother was an antique dealer with an entire second house full of antiques so, needless to say, we have a lot of stuff. I just wish my mom had held on to more of her old clothes!

Here's one of my favorite items that I've found:

My mom's red fox fur and suede coat from 1969. I just can't bear to wear fur though.

this is so adorable, I could talk myself into keeping it.
threaded lilac vintage

With my sales being slow, I've decided to open up another shop for my photography (in addition to mkendall.etsy.com) on artfire.com. There less sellers, so you don't get hidden as easily. We'll see how that goes.

my artfire shop

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