Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can you guess...

what movie it is this week? Ok, I thought this one was really obvious, but my husband couldn't guess what it was. He's only seen the movie once a long time ago, so we'll see.

1. whitetv, 2. sunset at the fair, 3. Untitled, 4. ...., 5. Untitled, 6. When We Are One, Molecules Are Exchanged, 7. www.flickr.com/photos/tom_tom/634831423/, 8. still life #24, 9. Galaxy


Crissy said...

I'm not totally sure, but seeing I would have guessed correctly last week had I posted my answer, I'll risk it: Moulin Rouge :)

mkendall said...

good guess, but no. You're very close though.

Victoria Bennett Beyer said...

I'm thinking romeo and juliet - the one with leo and claire.

Lulu said...

oh yes totally Romeo and Juliet! i agree with Victoria!

mkendall said...

Yep! You both got it right!